Wednesday, May 25, 2011

People Watching

I went to Naples at about 930 this morning (I figured it would be a lot better than just sitting around in the apartment).  At first i was just sitting at a little coffee bar at the university reading.  It was pleasant.  Then as we moved locations, I decided to explore a little bit.  It was so beautiful outside today (and it was nice to walk in the sun considering that I am constantly reminded of how pale I am).  I walked around the university, because of my awesome (not) directional senses I didn't want to go too far.  I just walked around the block a few times and window shopped and after I finally got the courage to walk into a store and ask to try on a shoe (which have become my weakness) speaking in my way less than perfect Italian (no parlo beige...cuaranto...).  Then sitting out on the steps of the university I was listening to bits of Italian around me, cheerful greetings and such, and thinking to myself that it is amazing how many people I know that keep walking past me. More than once i almost yelled out someone's name, quickly remembering where I wa and instantly thanking God that I had not just been that crazy American shouting at random passerbys.

I had a post written for a couple of days ago, but of course I forgot to save to sum it all up:

1. I am having an amazing time.
2. I am eating amazing food.
3. I have made some really,really awesome friends.

I miss all of you very, very much and I think of you often, but i think that this trip has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.  It has taught me so much already and made me really think about a lot of things.

I will post more pictures soon!! 

ciao Lindz

1 comment:

  1. Caro Lindsey,

    Si presenta e suona come il vostro viaggio in Italia è molto divertente. So che la gente è grande e si impara molto da loro. E 'divertente per me leggere il tuo blog e guarda le foto. Il modo in cui sta andando al lavoro è circa il tempo si è pronti a tornare a casa saprete abbastanza italiani per tirare avanti. Ho il sospetto che si vorrà rimanere più a lungo. Senza dubbio, si dovrà tornare indietro.

    Buon divertimento,

    Bob Spencer
