Saturday, May 14, 2011

I am going to try my best to summarize my last two days! As you can imagine it is pretty hard to put into words what i am feeling! Though, I am still having the most amazing time here (if any of you were worried that i wasn't)!! Yesterday I spent some time on the balcony (I'll stop talking about the balcony just as soon as it stops being so awesome! haha!) just soaking up the sun.  And I was corrected, when I look out of my window I am looking out at the SEA not the OCEAN, just to clarify. While i was sitting out there i was studying some Italian, which i am still so bad at, but hey i have only been here 5 days...fingers crossed I will be AMAZING just in time to come home and forget it all! I was also watching (so creepy! maybe observing is a better word?) all the people in the apartments under me.  There were ladies hanging laundry, boys kicking a soccer (football), one old man just sitting out (like me) with his feet propped up. (The man's wife came out and kissed his head and patted his face, it was really the sweetest thing.) 
One of the things that I have really loved getting to do here is meeting all of these wonderful people.  These are some of the most genuinely friendly and welcoming people I have ever come in contact with.  I mean, i knew that I wouldn't be completely shunned while i was here, but I also thought that some people would get very tired having to "deal" with me.  Its not easy to say everything twice, and the second time being in a different language, but everyone is so patient with me and i am so grateful for that!
Last night i got to go and see a friend of the family's sing in a sort of Karaoke competition (for those of you from Little Rock think of Buffalo Wild Wings, except with good singers.  Though I would have to say that, besides the family friend, my favorite was the old lady that was more concerned with moving her hips and twirling in circles rather than singing :]). The friend (Stefania) won!! It was so much fun to get to be apart of that!!
Now, I am pretty sure i am the biggest nerd in the whole world (or at least in American and Italy), but i get so excited anytime anyone mentions riding a motorbike.  I don't know why, but I just get such a rush when I ride one and I love it.  So today I finally got to ride on one! (Don't worry Mamma Mia Raffaele is a good driver and i was wearing a helmet!!) We rode through town, down the sea walk and back around.  (Gabby, I got some pictures too! I'm up to at least 12 haha!) Favorite new past time! I think i am going to have to learn how to drive one when i get home! :]
I miss all of you from the states, but you may have to come and drag me from here by the end of the summer! I don't think I will come willingly! I hope all of you have a great day!

ciao ciao :)

1 comment:

  1. bahhh i loved it! that sounds like fun...people watching is definitely a great hobby! can't wait to see those pictures lol! have fun lindz!!!! love you and miss you!!
