Thursday, May 19, 2011

busy busy week :)

ciao a tutti :) see im learning! Mi sto diventendo molto!! ok ok so i would like to apollogize for not being very active this week (if I had written earlier yall would have heard a lot about how i was sitting on the couch studying).  I  was waiting for something really interesting to awe you all with...which happened yesterday! I was invited to attend a graduation (I am trying to think of a  good word to use for it since it wasnt really a ceremony) event of a friend here.  I was expecting the whole cap and gown ordeal that we have in the states, and when I asked about this I was quickly told that it was nothing like that at all. I am going to explain this the best way I can from hearing others explain it and also sitting through it (though my little knowledge of the italian language did not help me much in this setting).  What really happens is that the graduate is being examed.  They are called up on stage (where a row of teachers is sitting) two at a time to defend their final projects.  The teachers may ask them some questions, and then after their presentation they are to wait (about half an hour) to then hear what their final points are.  And after that is the celebration of the friends and family who have gathered to share in this event.  Having gone to graduation ceremonies in the states, it was a strange (but education and even fun) experience to get to witness.  My favorite part was after the grades were annoucned the graduate is given a cap (made by a family member or a friend) to get to wear in pictures.  It was really neat.
On the way to the ceremony I got to ride the train from Castllemmare to Naples, and intead of taking the train that goes straight there, we took the train that winds along beside the sea.  It was so beautiful! And if you donĂ t already know i love trains! (ask me about that story sometime).  But really trains are not bad and I had great company. 
I have a few parties that i am attending this weekend (which with some help from some very lovely ladies i think i will be dressed appropriately for...we will see) and I have a lot of italian to catch up on. I have been told that i have 3 or 4 more days of engish speaking before i am cut off and will be speaking only in italian! Pray for me please.
I hope you are all doing well and i promise i will do better at writting!!
ciao ciao!

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